Salt Water Powered Quant e Sport limousine

3 years ago

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Salt Water Powered Quant e Sport limousine

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This Salt Water-Powered Car (920HP, Top Speed 217.5 MPH, 373 Miles/Tank) Is Certified For Use On European Roads.
It has been recently announced that the Quant e-Sportlimousine, a salt water powered car, has been approved for roads in Europe. That's a massive proof that the Oil Cartels are failing in the energy war. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Oil Cartels, which are controlled by the Controllers, have been hassling and muting different energy inventors who appear to be a threat to the Oil Cartels. One of the biggest alternative energy inventors that they cut off was Nikola Tesla.

It has been recently announced that the Quant e-Sportlimousine, a salt water powered car, has been approved for roads in Europe. That's a massive proof that the Oil Cartels are failing in the energy war. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Oil Cartels, which are controlled by the Controllers, have been hassling and muting different energy inventors who appear to be a threat to the Oil Cartels. One of the biggest alternative energy inventors that they cut off was Nikola Tesla.

In contrast to conventional cars that consume gasoline, the Quant e-Sportlimousine uses an electrolyte flow cell power system created by NanoFlowcell which can generate an astounding 920 horsepower (689 kW). This salt water powered car can go from 0-62 mph (100 km/h) in 2.8 seconds. Additionally, it has a top speed of 217.5 mph (350 km/h).



.Innovative energy. nanoFlowcell® is currently the most innovative and most powerful energy storage system for mobile and stationary applications. In contrast to conventional batteries, the nanoFlowcell® is provided with energy in the form of liquid electrolytes (bi-ION), which can be stored away from the cell itself.

Just like a regular flow cell, the positively and negatively charged electrolyte liquids are stored separately in two tanks and, just like a traditional flow cell or fuel cell, pumped through a converter (the actual cell of the nanoFlowcell system) in separate circuits.

Here, the two electrolyte circuits are separated only by a permeable membrane. An exchange of ions takes place as soon as the positive and negative electrolyte solutions pass one another on either side of the converter membrane. This converts the chemical energy bound within bi-ION into electricity, which is then directly available to the electric consumers.

Scalable energy. With nanoFlowcell®, the separation of the energy converter and energy storage medium means the stored energy is no longer dependent on the cell size. This is where a flow cell differs from traditional types of battery. With nanoFlowcell®, the amount of energy available is dependent on the concentration of electrolyte in the electrolyte liquid and on the volume of the electrolyte tank. Thanks to its unrestricted scalability, nanoFlowcell can therefore be adapted to an extremely diverse range of applications.

Filling up with electricity. What makes nanoFlowcell® special is that it is not subject to an arduous recharging process like conventional batteries or flow cells. Instead, the spent bi-ION electrolyte liquids can simply be replenished.


nanoFlowcell Youtube Channel

nanoFlowcell AG developed the first car in the world powered by a flowcell, the nanoFlowcell® - the QUANT E, is the first car approved by German TÜV to drive on public roads in Europe and the USA. See attached a video with driving scenes from the QUANT E driving through Zurich/Switzerland in public traffic – without harmful emission.

#eSportlimousine #SaltWaterPoweredCar #QuantE

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