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Cyber Security The Oxymoron

3 years ago

Lawyer that specializes in "cyber security" qualifies that basically there is none.



  • 0/2000
  • BS! Pipelines can be operated 100% manually, if needed. This "cyber security" excuse is just a smoke screen for them leaving it offline for as long as they did.

  • Let’s face it people the people in control don’t want to solve any problems on anything.. they want to get rich and powerful off the maintenance of them.. the sooner voters accept this the sooner we can all hold them to account.. their solutions are just bandaids to gaping wounds.. They could harden and operate all government and private infrastructure, and assets they the blockchain using smart contracts that can’t be hacked or compromised.. all the government budget and departments could be tokenized so that everyone could see where the money goes and how it’s spent. They could give foreign aid the same way making it unable for funds to be diverted to foundations. This can eliminate all government corruption..Do you see either party purposing this?? Hell no.. the people should start designing solutions thru bills together and bringing them to the elected officials to bring to the house and senate.. why do we sit back and let them design them to maintain the problems as usual..

  • why is the oil infrastructure even connected to the internet. it's like connecting your front door to the internet. dumb idea.