Disclaimer-Carrying Lawn Chairs

3 years ago

A disclaimer for my book. I'm not a trained expert. I don't have a degree in Child Psychology, but I am an observer. And this is a collaboration with parents. I am not the parental guru telling parents how they must raise their children. I have just observed much and am sending out what I believe I have learned from my observations. My ideas go against much conventional wisdom and will likely even anger some or many.
A main thrust of the book is how parents are often so on edge about their children getting ahead in the world. Because of this they start their kids in organized youth sports at a very young age in hopes of giving them a head start, or at least to hopefully give them a better chance at keeping up. It's all so ridiculous and even dysfunctional in my opinion. It seems to continually be about the future with parents and their kids. They don't seem to much just enjoy the present moment. It seems to be based in the parents lacking self worth and then spreading to their kids.

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