Ljus gör att du sover bättre. Narcissistiska clowner. Bonnier vs SVT?!?

3 years ago

Frida H.Rångtell etc förklarar att det inte verkar spela någon roll om man får starkt blått ljus sent om man fått bra ljus under dagen:
"Our results could therefore suggest that exposure to bright light during the day – as in the present study – may help combat sleep disturbances associated with the evening use of electronic devices emitting blue light."

The Rubin Report förklarar hur man ska undvika att bli svartpillrad och bli clownpillrad:

0 covid deaths in Texas, and covid1984-minions are freaking out:

Ivermectin Goa vs no ivermectin Tamil Nadu:
Note: Some ivermectin usage like in Central Europe doesn't seem to make a big difference. It has to be handed out a lot.

"I Norge har anmälningarna om möjliga svåra biverkningar varit högst i åldersgruppen 60-."

Soon I think that Sweden will run out of people to vaxx, but there are still some programmers left:

Svenska fall/döda:
Eller regionerna här:

Unga människor: 1 risk av 1000 att bli väldigt skadad av covid-vaccinen
Alla människor: 0.3 risk av 1000 att hamna på IVA pga covid under en månad

Svampinfektionsproblem i Indien:

Media går plötsligt koordinerat efter Bill Gates. Märkligt:
Why is the corporate media suddenly going full throttle against Gates after worshipping him during COVID Mania? I don't have a good answer for this. There is definitely a concerted effort to crush him. Not sure where it's coming from.

DN och Expressen som ger sig på public service. Något på gång eller bara vanligt gnäll ifrån journalister som vill skriva om journalister:
SVT är på väg att avslöja allvarliga problem på Bonnier, så de försöker misskreditera SVT?

Steven Crowder is giving a legal notice to Youtube. I don't see him banned from Youtube as the problem. The problem is that not everyone is banned from Youtube. The platform is so comprimised that it needs to be destroyed and fighting for making it less bad is just hurting the competition:

Utestängningsmaffian vann ännu en Pyrrhusseger när en sparkad officers bok om Marxist-ideologi blev en bästsäljare:

What if Tesla soars and there will be a really not expected deflation?
If this is how the smartest rich people bet, who are on the other side and why?

People can't compare stuff. I might be wrong about that this is so bad (one needs to know the specific people involved to judge this, so I will not jump to conclusions), and they might actually do great stuff, but if my guess is right, this is just another example of how emotional reasoning will destroy a country, and they can do it because of an autistic incompetent cold ruling class of neoliberals:

Erdogan seems to systematically burn all bridges, and I think everyone who wants to do real positive change needs to take a look at what happens if you fight against everyone who is the slightest not 100% on your side:

#ivermektin #clowns #media #India #Bonnier

ivermektin, ivermectin, clown, clowner, media, Turkiet, Indien, Erdogan, Rångtell, Frida Rångtell, sömn, slumra, narscissism, narscissister, The Rubin Report, Steven Crowder, Chile

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