Proof this COVID contagion is a man-made bio-weapon paid for by the U.S. CIA, DOD and NIH.

2 years ago

The spike protein was 'designed' to pass through the blood brain barrier! That's why they are using long swabs to test people up through your nose and up to the blood brain barrier so the spike protein can pass through the blood brain barrier which is the last protection for the brain.

Minute 28:30
This man-made bio-weapon has been tested in the lab on 'humanized mice', mice that have been modified to have a Ace2 receptors so they could be used as a study model. After they were exposed to this bio-weapon, 95% of the mice died within 2 weeks. After autopsies were complete, their brains looked like sponges with large open areas and what that produces is mad-cow disease. EVERY ONE of these mice developed Mad-Cow disease.
IMPORTANT. The 2-week animal model for the mice represents a 1½ years for humans!

Next, it was given to monkeys, which caused prion diseases such as Alzheimer’s

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