Im-Plosions and Ex-Plosions Demo

3 years ago

In this Video, Joe demonstrates the 2 extremes of the Magnetic Spectrum. Joe fills the Cell up with plain water and tops it up with green water from a previous experiment. The Video is sped up when there are no Cell Re-configurations and slowed down where the electrodes are reversed or where speech is needed to understand what is going on.

Do take note: at the end of the Plosions Demo, the water has changed color.

In the first "lighting of the bubbles" we see a low hot flame burn with very little noise or fire. This is an Exothermic reaction or hot reaction.

In the Second "lighting of the bubbles" we hear a 'bang'. But listen carefully, to what the audience says... it was VERY LOUD and if one is quite close, your ears will ring for a while after. Being an IMPLOSION, the microphone, being designed for Shock or sound waves doesn't pick up the intensity of the Bubble being IMPLODED. This is an Endothermic Reaction or Cold Reaction.(Low Energy Nuclear Reaction) Created by JUST reversing the electrodes in a Cell that has, as its construction parameters, all the Stainless Steel parts "Magnetically Aligned".

There are 4 'tubes' or pipes and are all insulated from each other with rubber grommets. The outside is also SS and constitutes the 5 only components that are required for this Cell design, apart from the rubber insulators. With only 2 SS tubes being "active" and the other 3 being Neutral, in order for the 'electricity' or flow of Magnetic Current (DC), the electricity passes 'through' the Neutral plates and this 'activation' of Neutral Plates generates a Field and then you should observe that... ALL 4 Tubes BUBBLE with only ONE being Active.

Just like a Copper coil activated with a DC Battery makes an Electromagnetic Field, the Flow of 'electricity' or magnetic current, through the water makes a magnetic Field IN AND OF THE WATER. Much Research can be done on this subject by those who question the Structure of Water.

You cannot duplicate this with electrolysis because electrolysis doesn't generate a Magnetic Field in the Water or have the pre-determinable Centre of the Field, either Positive or Negative (north or south pole) thus taking advantage of using ONE of the Fields (a monopole Field) being generated in the Water.

For students of Water Implosion Technology, This is an entry point for the beginnings of the understandings of the make-up of Magnetic Fields and making water Magnetic.

It is worth noting at this time, that the very Centre of the Cell is a Neutral Region where No Magnetism exists. So the Magnetic Bias or the Mono Pole Generated will be either North Pole Negative or South Pole Positive depending upon which electrode is connected to the Centre Stainless Steel Tube. (in the bottom of the bucket, the centre tube protrudes and is insulated from the bottom of the Cell making it the other electrode placement)

And just when you thought you might have a handle on this Plosion Technology, What you saw here is only TWO of the SIXTEEN different outcomes that could be demonstrated with this Cell.

Without the IP for the correct attachment sequence of the electrodes, even I would be hesitant to duplicate this experiment and expect any meaningful result of any kind. Thus it doesnt need a Patent as much as you need to understand the Electro-Magnetic Nature of Water first.

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