My Thoughts on the ArVee May 16, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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My Thoughts on the ArVee May 16, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

The theory behind the "RV" is that when the US DOLLAR is trashed and people lose half to 80% of the value of their money in this country, it will be offset by gains in the value of other world currencies. So, you are being told to invest in the currencies of other countries, because once "the RV" occurs, their gains will more than offset your losses.
In theory.
Of course, putting all your money in other currencies weakens the US DOLLAR and so, you are stupidly participating in the demise of the currency you have been using and investing in all these years, albeit under the force of Legal Tender Laws--- which is another story you can chalk up to the U.S. Military.
Some of these foreign currencies, in theory, stand to gain much more value than others, because the countries involved have assets (like minerals or archeological sites) that have been discovered or developed in the years since 1941 --- the last time that an RV-like event and worldwide asset accounting process occurred.
Those responsible for trashing the US DOLLAR --- mainly military officials who are supposed to be guarding our nation's money for us --- have been promoting the RV as an "answer" for their own gross mismanagement ever since 1863 when Lincoln appointed them to be responsible for our money.
Refer to the very first Executive Order ever issued --- General Order 100, also known as the Lieber Code, issued in March of 1863, one day prior to Lincoln declaring the Northern State-of-State organizations bankrupt. The U.S. Army took over as the Territorial Government at that point and has been in control of the money ever since.
It has been under their auspices and on their watch that so much terrible fraud and theft and abuse of the people of this country has occurred, so don't for a moment think that our military can escape this debacle with clean hands. They have had their paws in our cookie jar since 1863 and much of what we and the rest of the world have suffered is directly related to them and what they have done or failed to do.
The proposed ArVee is no different.
It is just another Big Con and Crap Shoot, based on graft and malfeasance, designed to benefit Insiders at the expense of Outsiders.
And it is just as criminal as all that has come before it.
The U.S. Military and their crony pals working the storefront in Washington, DC, have the most powerful commodity rigging scheme in place that anyone has ever attempted: The Exchange Stabilization Fund.
Using this mammoth stockpile of foreign currencies, they can undermine any economy and "blow out" any currency worldwide, at will.
They have been using this tool to conduct Economic Warfare since the inception of this scheme, and the ArVee is just the latest bit of their self-interested criminality on display, despite all the "secrecy" and elbow-jabbing associated with it.

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