How to get Rid of Dandelions - Using a Natural "Weed" Killer

3 years ago

Not All Weeds are "Bad" Weeds! It is a common misunderstanding that dandelions are weeds. Dandelions are actually herbs and wonderful for your health! Dry out and crush up the flowers, leaves and roots for an antioxidant tea, salve or bath-tea. Dandelions are also one of the first flowers to spring up aiding our local honey bee populations and assisting our pollinators out of winter.

Natural Weed Killer Recipe:

* 1 gallon white vinegar
* 1 cup salt
* 1 tablespoon liquid dish soap

Combine ingredients in a up-cycled spray bottle and treat weeds at the sunniest time of day for best results.

Vinegar and salt make excellent weed killers on their own and form a deadly combination when combined. Vinegar draws moisture out of the weeds it is applied to, whereas salt prevents the weeds it is applied to from absorbing water. Place a few grains of salt at the base of the weeds you wish to kill.

Salt is a great weed killer because it sucks water out of the plants and speeds up that whole dehydration routine, resulting in those lifeless, dead weeds you're after. While the salt's the killer, people commonly add vinegar and soap to lower the salted water's surface tension, enabling the salted water to penetrate deep into the unwanted plants.

This video was made for Mile High Farmers Union's Education and Wellness Committee.

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