Ep. 628 Into the Nothing: A Spiritual Autobiography | Gabriel Cousens

3 years ago

5-17-21 Allen Cardoza Interviews Gabriel Cousens


If you’ve ever longed for knowing the experience of liberating your consciousness from identifying with your mind and body and letting it float in the primordial state of “non-causal” peace, bliss, love, wonder, and oneness, then follow the trail that Dr. Gabriel Cousens has blazed for you.

This intrepid “spiritual warrior” has forged a path to the Holistic Liberation Way, through years of courageous, fearless and intensive spiritual intention and meditation. His astonishing new book Into the Nothing: A Spiritual Autobiography, reveals the mystical wild ride he personally took to becoming liberated, surrendering to “the Divine Urge” to fully merge into the state of God-consciousness and awaken to living from the soul that is beyond the body and the mind.

Into the Nothing: A Spiritual Autobiography is way more than an absorbing personal journey of awakening, highlighted by an extraordinary rich revelation of miracles and mystical adventures, it provides profound teachings and shares insights on sacred relationships as a path of liberation.

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