True American Patriot is Prepared to Sacrifice Everything Fighting For Freedom

3 years ago

"No matter what you do, we still win. Why? I promised to defy no matter the consequences, that we would proudly sacrifice it all to stand for freedom by never complying with any arbitrary orders created out of thin air by the tiny tyrant, and we have done so since day-one, stonewalling all enemies of Freedom during the lockdowns. We knew, now proven by your agencies proposed measly 30-day suspension that unlike our true and real pledge to make sacrifices for Freedom, your threats to destroy it was built on a house of cards, so we have called your bluff, and we won't stop until we have blown the whole thing down. On behalf or your master you have cried "wolf", potentially spreading your pandemic of fear among most, but what you didn't count on as a result was the rise of many new lions and lionesses your march towards Fascism has created. I have seen them in person, and they are impressive, they have come from everywhere to stand with us, and depending on the decision you and your band of jackals might soon see them too, then you will witness their ferocity to defend our American way of life for yourself. We're ready for battle, are you?

So all of you watching from the sidelines, especially the men shaking in their boots, frozen in the state of fear, doing nothing for your country and your fellow Americans, and worse, emboldening the enemy of American Freedom with your embarrassing subjugation, shame on you. You though still have time, but it's now or never. Find your Honor and Courage, be a Patriot, and stand with all of us"

Tony Roman was summoned to court for defying California's Tyrannical lockdowns from day-one, but instead of showing up, he sent this message instead. Challenging the Tyrants to do their worse.

This is what true Patriotism looks like, Roman is a man willing to sacrifice all on the Alter of Freedom. He is showing by example what it means to be an uncompromising hero. Will you stand with him? Or will you bow to unlawful authority as they take everything you love?

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