Lion petting the lioness at the zoo

3 years ago

Lions living in captivity usually reach 20 to 25 years of age, while the life expectancy of a lion living in the wild is 12 to 16 years.

There are several reasons for this disparity.

For example, they don't need to be on the lookout for predators while they spend the day in captivity. While the biggest predator for lions is people, these majestic animals also need to be on the lookout for cheetahs and hyenas, which can steal their food.

In addition, lions do not have access to medical care when they are in the wild. If they cut or break their paw, they will end up suffering. Lions at zoos, on the other hand, will receive immediate medical assistance if something happens to them.

Another factor is environmental issues. Lions in the wild depend solely on the wild for their well-being. But if there is a drought, there will be no water or food sources available to them. Captive lions, however, do not have to deal with these problems, as their living space will remain the same and keepers will give them plenty of food and water.

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