Maricopa County's Refusal To Release Routers Raises Legal Questions, Prevents Auditors From Knowing

3 years ago

#Arizona #MaricopaCounty #Maricopa
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is under fire for statements they made-claiming that they could not provide routers to the audit team because it would expose sensitive information.

The letter that was addressed to the Audit Director Ken Bennett stated,

"That providing routers or virtual images of routers puts sensitive, confidential data belonging to Maricopa county’s citizens— including social security numbers and protected health information at risk - so they could not provide the routers."

The forensic audit team had previously requested routers and passwords to continue with their audit of the 2020 election.

According to the Chair of the Arizona GOP Dr. Kelli Ward - the board's claims need to be investigated as she claims information is not stored on the routers because they are fast networking and have limited disk storage, adding that a router would never be used as a data base server because the disk space would not be able to handle the amount of storage needed especially to process more than 2 million ballots.

In addition she said that if the router did not have a physical connection with a network or data base server it would be impossible to access any other computer or storage unit in turn only revealing the times and locations of the data that was being transferred.

Dr. Kelli ward also explained that sharing personal information, such as protected health files with other agencies would raise serious legal questions and should be investigated.

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