Political Road Dogs

3 years ago

POLITICAL ROAD DOGS: The people must immediately "Stop-The-Prostitution", of all America's local state & federal "Legal-Justice-Institutions"!!! No more of this useless degrading "Democrat-PC-Debate", we must not hesitate to address America's woke rhetorical "Ominous-Impending-Fate"!!! Insisting on ending all forms of election fraud by "Making-A-Resolution", to protect our precious one & only remaining "Law-Abiding-Constitution"!!! Otherwise it makes no difference how many American citizens "Legally-Legitimately-Vote", the results will be overwritten while your vote once again completely goes "Up-In-Smoke"!!! Forced to live in indentured servitude while loosing everything you once owned "Without-Any-Further-Hope", perpetually questioning why you never fought for your rights & stood idly by while your government "Took-Away-Your-Vote"!!! Making you all in your very own country hopeless "Second-Class-Citizens", helplessly giving away all your god given rights to "Criminal-Illegal-Aliens"!!! Then for your patriotic American political beliefs "Something-You-Never-Envisioned", using your own government agency's to round you all up "Putting-You-In-Political-Prison"!!! Stand up proud strong & tall it's your last chance to back everything "President-Trump-Related", otherwise everything you own including you home will be taken away or "Outright-Illegally-Confiscated"!!! There's only one important issue to address right now it's every aspect of "Election-Fraud", fail to fix it immediately & the democrats will make sure no American will ever again get any form of "Just-Reward"!!! PERIOD!!! - IhuntU: 5-16-21.

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