3 years ago

Let's take a trip to the Middle East where rain of fire descend to People of GOD . For the lives of those innocent people fall between the Satan Zionists and the true Palestinians / Israelites. Now a trip to America, Hollywood the pits of hell. The Devil is real ! He lives in side your brain and heart. He gets into your mind then moves to remove the love you have between YOU and YOUR CREATOR of this Universe. This battle is not between men but of principalities GOOD against EVIL !
Let Not Your Hearts BE SORROWFUL. Pick your side, but do not waiver, for the Lord of Mine is Almighty and it is HE who created the Fallen Angel - Satan- Lucifer- Baal- Dark Knight-Muloch-Baaelzebub. All leads to misery . It is the Fallen Angel who created our world as we know it , hence to stay close to Christ Almighty who took the pains of this world upon the cross, died for all of us sinners on earth the good the bad and the indifferent. May you all find your peace with GOD and Christ and Holy Spirit Father; the Blessed Trinity and find your way to be protected under his wing of Glory . Hallelujah. The Storm is here, but do not be weary instead, rejoice that we are headed to the promised land of 1,000 years of peace and prosperity. Love neighbor as you would love yourself, and your family. Extend that olive branch.
God be with you all



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