Beware of the Magnetic | The Mark of the Beast

3 years ago

Thousand are sharing the magnets are sticking to the injection point after getting the COVID vaccine. Are they being chipped without their consent? There some form of metallic in the vaccine that's strong enough to hold a magnet!

They wouldn't be laughing is they understood what this meant!

We're now learning that the "manipulative magnetic Nano-medicine" is the future of COVID therapy and it will release whatever drugs and mood altering frequencies the global dictators decide into the vaccinated and into PCR tested bodies.
It may be a form of Morgellons Disease.

And all who were vaccinated or PCR tested will become super-spreaders, a danger to the rest of the population.

We are already hearing of people getting sick, signs of bruising, swelling, and women having miscarriages, just from being near vaccinated people; people they work with.

The magnetic nanoparticle will alter their DNA. The vaccinated have EMF readings that are 20x-30x higher than normal. Miscarriages are up 400%.

People are hemorrhaging, have strokes, heart attacks, being maimed, and are dying from the vaccine- and sadly, no one is reporting this!

The painful side effects are becoming normalized and there are other very strange side effects privately being reported but STILL NOT one the NEWS!!

For those of us with common sense and who are critical thinkers, the COVID-19, the vaccine, and every angle the globalists try to enforce has been nothing but a huge red flag since March 2020!

We were born with healthy immune systems, and right now getting and staying healthy is our responsibility; as well as, to share the truth with the world!

Starting with the experimental mRNA cocktail that re-wires your DNA cells at the genetic level, that they are PUSHING for everyone to get it- and many are flocking to it- and announcing they took it like a badge of honor!

Please help them crawl out from under the rock! Or perhaps, that's were they choose to remain.

With all these blatant red flags, stop being compliant- your life is far more precious than submitting to taking the jab or even the PCR test!

If you need encouragement- please join our private group on

Telegram: @LeslieONeill
Gab: @Truth_Seekers_Worldwide

Please research everything (not on Google), triple check, and use common sense. The lie will feel wrong, the truth will feel right even if it's unpleasant.

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God bless you and your loved ones!

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