3 years ago

3 John 1.
In 6 days for God humanity suffered from subjective truth, but for one special day the Lord’s Sabbath He ruled over humanity with the Perfect Law of Liberty where salvation was brought down from heaven upon humanity. If mankind does not live on this earth for exactly 7,000 years, then God will have His reasons, but If He indicateS 7,000 years then it will be 7,000 years! That however is not the timeline you should be concerned about. The next appointment for humanity is the beginning of the 2nd age of Christianity the time which is upon us right now as the times of denominational ignorance are ending, and the Lord God is calling upon all men who realize that denominationalism does not save 2 Thess. 2:10 to repent Acts 17:30. In about 40 years the second age of the Kingdom of Heaven will be here Micah 7:15.
Many are considered righteous who utilize denominational Bibles Rev. 22:11; Acts 17:30; Rom. 5:13. But it is not the Bible at all Gal. 1:6-10, it is antichrist (James describes it as the wisdom from below) and something we would never dare utilize if we were not under a strong delusion 2 Thess. 2:11 and in ignorance about the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven Matt. 13:11.
Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden of Eden for choosing the subjective truth of man over the objective truth of God. For 6,000 years humanity has been under the subjective truth of men. We have done things men's way which is the cause of human suffering Jer. 10:23. Isaiah 55:8-11. (men's way) - which is the cause of human suffering Jer. 10:23. In preparation for the 2nd age of the Kingdom, the Perfect Law of Liberty(the thousand-year Perfect Bible from God) is being poured out on humanity and Christ will be our preacher, not men - the preacher who called us to be Christians before the foundations of the world! He will bring us the truth that will free us from every wind of the doctrine of men John 8:32. My pathetic views, philosophies, opinions, and my love for others, in the past, well illustrates that the religions of men do not work, and I am working on abandoning them as dung Phil. 3:8. My job is to show you the truth, love, and salvation of God. All of humanity desperately needs the Perfect Savior and the Perfect Law of Liberty!
Grace has always been available for the righteous in the spiritual dark ages Acts 17:30; Rom. 5:13, however, we cannot realize salvation and freedom until the Lord resumes His reign on the earth as it is in heaven! https://therodofiron.org/?page_id=263 rumble under n5rkss telegram @ https://t.me/TheRodOfIron.org. https://www.patreon.com/The_WatchmanTo purchase a New Testament: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/TimeOfTheSonOfMan To support this work; https://paypal.me/Watchman70AD?locale.x=en_US.

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