Mysterious UFO Hunting in Peru

2 years ago

In the summer of 2019, Nazca sent this amazing document to the world, but there was a theory that this video was in Venezuela, and there are thousands of other comments that I do not approve of.
On July 6, 2020, a mysterious source in Peru sent me an interesting report. He told me about the secrecy of the Peruvian government and the discovery of a large archeological site. Archaeologists have unearthed an ancient alien mummy, but have never allowed it to be found
I contacted my old source in Lima. He confirmed the news and said that triangular UFOs have been reported by many people in different cities, but their origin is unknown.
I also have a lot of news from Honduras that they have seen this UFO, but my final conclusion is that these UFOs have been very active in South America in recent years. We are not alone in the world.

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