Music sleep/music to relax, músicas para relaxar com frases motivacionais para dormir

3 years ago

#music to sleep / music to relax, thoughts and phrases to calm your heart.#

Música para dormir/musicas para relaxar.
in the video I put three different songs, with images of the sky from space, the earth and the moon, we can see the moon, people having a picnic, and also the phrases and messages to increase people's self-esteem, songs to relax, sleep with music relaxing, my contact is 64 984316085.

my dear friends from YouTube and all social networks, my name is Jose Wesio de souza, I am 42 years old, I am starting here on YouTube and I need your support to continue bringing healthy content to all audiences. I want to do my best every day to never disappoint you friends from all countries on planet Earth. this video I dedicate to all friends. please subscribe activate tink leave your comment and share it with friends and family asking to strengthen our channel. Hug to all, we will always be together. thank you friends..

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