Being Scared Means Losing Your Rights

3 years ago

The murder of Ashley Babbitt by a cop implies that outspoken conservatives may now have hitmen silently after them, much like a cat stalks a mouse. Many of us are already blacklisted, and may not even know it. When is it time to stand up for your freedom? How long will you continue to skulk in the shadows and be scared to fight back? Nazi Germany killed the Jews like this. I’m not standing for it! Christianity versus corruption! If you’re willing to go to Heaven and live for what’s right then at least be loud and proud about it.

My company GOD-SPEED launches live on September 26. I’m pushing the first book in the GOD-SPEED series today May 15 from Taunia Derenberger - 50 Years With a Man Named Cold. Message me on Telegram @MovingUnderFire or Facebook @ Jase Nathan Schoenherr for a copy for $5 to hear about her father had an encounter with a UFO in 1966.

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