Big Pharma Insider and Truth Warrior with Shocking Intel

3 years ago

Mike L and Mel K are connecting the dots and unmasking the confusion and frustration our government and media as they continually shift the narrative.

The teachers union outlined what they wanted CDC
CDC admitted they lied about the virus, the truth is now starting to come out. People are starting to protest around the world and are not wearing masks.
Fauci has committed perjury under oath, he and Gates have weaponized the virus, and both have committed high-treason.
China has genetically modified one of the pathogens, targeting specific groups.
Gates/Elon Musk - Neuralinks, Nanotech, Bioengineering, Chips or any device put into the body.
Human Trafficking
FreeMasons 33 level, the reach of these people is very frightening.
Gates & Epstein very involved in funding Eugenics, Transhumanism Agenda, Super Soldiers

Cliff Carnicom, scientist and published Geo-engineering researcher discusses nano-sized bio-engineered pathogen filaments (Morgellons) that are associated with aerosols sprayed into the atmosphere as covert climate engineering.

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