Opinion Brief - 05.10.21 - Maturity, The Chosen

3 years ago

Topics: Maturity, The Chosen
True, our country is being divided and torn apart. We can blame all it on other entities like Social Media, politics and the news media, which would be accurate. But mostly, it’s we the people who are to blame. We are acting like spoiled children standing in the middle of the store yelling “Give me what I want right now or I’m going to make a scene.” We just need to grow up and start taking responsibility for our own actions and stop shifting the blame!

I also talk about The Chosen series, so don’t miss my take on that!

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Opinion Brief is a new show featuring comments and opinions from Blabber Brains Show host Michael Kadrie based on current events, politics and pop culture.
All opinions by Michael Kadrie are not necessarily those of Blabber Brains Show.

#GrowUp #Maturity #TakeBackOurCountry #NotDoneYet #LetsGetOurActTogether #ParallelEconomy #TheChosen

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