The Ghost of 'Corona' Poverty goes through Denmark [2017]

3 years ago

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This video was made in Denmark a few of years ago that shows how Politicians act towards sick, worn out and vulnerable citizens, no legal security, corruption and hypocrisy, the laws are not complied and all Politicians know it ...

Even the judicial system here in Denmark is plump and corrupt and does not keep the laws.
I speak from experience, have just been given sentence no. 3 and am now branded as a criminal again where the Judge again ignores reality even though we could prove it.
Pure Fascism.
Here is the text from the video translated into English
Dare you watch this video to the end?
Sick and vulnerable citizens die, commit suicide and set fire to themselves.
I'm accusing all the politicians in the Danish Parlement
Att .: Minister of Employment Peter Hummelgaard
The ghost of 'poverty' goes through Denmark ...
- I have countless faces ...
- I'm the ghost of injustice ...
- I'm the ghost of greed ...
- I'm the ghost of the lie ...
- I'm the ghost of shame ...
- I'm the ghost of mistrust ...
- I take the form of Politicians who make reforms ...
- That makes sick citizens sicker ...
- It shows the way for financiers who graciously scrape for themselves ...
- I write The Politicians' Lies, which tell about the politics of necessity ...
- That there is no way to afford Welfare ..
Systematic illegal case processing. Documented.
No one is held accountable = no legal certainty and justice = #bananastate

They are Stealing, lying, cheating, manipulating, threatening sanctions and breaking the law is proven where documented sick and worn-out citizens are illegally detained on cash benefits, resource courses, job clarification courses, development courses, hot water training, internships (free labor) and clapping cake courses etc., the municipalities can comply with the officials' target figures and thereby collect their state reimbursement as well as from the equalization scheme, personal bonuses, golden handshakes and remuneration.

All with the help of 'automatic case processing', 'sweet rhetorical', ambiguous, 'politically correct' disclaimer Djøf language, Doublespeak and Newspeak, as well as 'New Public Management (NPM) language' (the bullshit culture). And they are good at it.

Sick and vulnerable citizens die, commit suicide and set themselves on fire due to these lawless conditions. (see Proof of Truth # 52)

And the hypocritical politicians, especially those on the left, are silent about these lawless conditions. One of many proofs of this is #KV2017 where we were all got #rØvrendt.

Pressure breeds Counterpressure.
It's #Psykt.

- Caseworkers and lawyers are not state-authorized with personal responsibility to the law.
- There is no Administrative Court.
- The division of power has not existed since 1848.
- Politicians have blood on their hands.
- Caseworkers and lawyers in social cases act as autocratic kings.

And all the Politicians knows it..

- Legal certainty is without party color.
- The rule of law is not a political ideology.
- Legal certainty is common respect for democratically adopted laws.

Everything documented

Kim Osbøl - 1188 subscribers

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