Mystery Vaccines - Magnetic NanoBots - Human Hacking - Vaccine Nano Technology

3 years ago

Some people are claiming that a magnet will stick to their arm where they have gotten the Covid-19 Jab. In this video you will be able to see this and come to your own conclusion.

Why would a magnet stick at the location of the vaccination?
If you research Nano technology, NanoBots, Nano-particles it will not take you long to find out that this is not far fetched at all.

Look for Human Hacking - Social Engineering and you will also be surprised and possibly shocked at what you will discover and uncover.

The first part of the video is a compilation that ordinary people have posted on their social media platforms.

Next I compiled some clips about Human Hacking and Social Engineering and at the end I have some very good news!

In case you are wondering, this is not the Mark of the Beast. It is coming but it will be placed in the hand or forehead. This is a precursor to the Mark mentioned in Revelation 13:16-18

BTW, the greek work for "Mark" is "Etching", "Scratch" and "A badge of servitude"

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