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Russia Today reveals the Pentagon's plans to microchip Americans (CONSPIRACY NO-MORE)

3 years ago

The report says that DARPA has developed an implantable microchip for reasons they claim are to inform someone if they have Covid symptoms. According to RT, DARPA has been funding the Wuhan Lab for many years (along with the NIH). Elements within the Pentagon are apparently a major player involved in this Covid-Crime Against Humanity.

This is a true Hegelian Dialectic wherein the perpetrators behind this effort to enslave humanity have created the problem because they have developed the solution and this is a means to implement an agenda. Employing psychological warfare techniques for mind control and social engineering in order to manipulate society into accepting an outcome they would have otherwise refused.

A true anti-human operation against American Citizens and the people of the world is largely being funded by American tax dollars. There are clearly traitors within the Pentagon who have launched an attack on their own country. The question remaining is whether there still exists any Patriots within the US Military that will honor their Oath and defend America from the enemy within? This is truly America's greatest hour of need as we can all see this agenda being rolled out at full steam.

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