3 years ago

With more than 200 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, an individual Star can still refract prism spectrum: and be a force multiplier for the positive, illuminating the path so that others may release their potential within, shine on!

“The junior eco-marshals; they’re thoughtful, inspired, and suave; their natural demeanor be; their mission to champion environmental advocacy, life forms rights, and the pursuit of intergalactic democracy; for they fervently believe food to nourish one's cells tis inalienable right.”

Looking back at the timeframe distortion, Commander Star recalls realizing the enormity of their situation and the seismic shift in roles and responsibilities; the entire fleet would have to embrace freely and enthusiastically.

The kids have come to an understanding that it is the Dark-Forces intent that they fail so it can feed off their misery.

By necessity, Star now commands the fleet's operation, a task she had previously performed as the senior-junior eco-marshal. Fortuitously after analyzing the aftermath of the time flux, Arthurian became inherently aware of the pending upheaval in everyone's life, including their own.

What was apparent to the abruptly made guardians and protectors of the kids; was the realization that they not only needed to do more, and be more, for all the children aboard the fleet but do so willingly.
And knowing that the junior eco-marshals parents are pluralists by "heart," scientists by "nature," and adventurers by "will; "provide a baseline to use as a guide.

The trio's parents are well-known and respected Emeritus Members of the Council of Representatives; as such, any operational decision they make so transparently, without favor, and not in the frame of the facade of an autocrat's ruse.

When the junior eco-marshals rehearsed Milky Way and Andromeda Messier's intergalactic space station operational maneuvers; they were all extraordinarily young but luckily watched their parents learning vital operational skills needed to maintain the safety of the fleet.

With the bio-bots onboard there to assist with every process, procedure, and protocol.

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