Cattle Rancher Corrals Our Beef

3 years ago

What's On YOUR Plate?
Where's Your Beef coming from?
How healty is the beef from other countries?
Sold in big boxed up monopolies. Are ya savin a buck, in trade for your health or that of your children?

Why do we import food for people in the USA? And export the food we grow here to other countries? Makes no sense unless you see the writing on the walls... They want to control ALL of our food.

The phake reasons to push for decimating farming and ranching here is happening! Along with phake global warming, they're teaching brain-washed "veggies only" people to falsly rail against meat. Don't like meat? Don't eat it. Eat GMO grains, corn, strawberries, soy, fish... That's what's for dinner?

Cattle Ranchers around the country are fighting the biggest fight of our lives! What will you be eating in just a few years? Plasticized, man made "veggie meat"? Ask Billy... He's buying up land like the mad cow he is. He sure loves his beef though! Is it for his GMO phake phood crap crops?

COOL: Country Of Origin Label. Push for it to come back on meat labels of the food we eat. We need it for vegetables too.

Petition to Immediately Pass Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling for Beef, Pork and Dairy Products.
Informational documents to share with your members of Congress and your state legislators:

5-23-2020 Draft M-COOL Bill

2-24-2020 Restoring M-COOL Without Running Afoul the WTO Ruling

12-04-2019 Recent History of Failed Voluntary COOL Programs

9-05-2018 M-COOL Myths vs. Facts

5-30-2018 Reasons Why To Reinstate M-COOL
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