Having Fun?

3 years ago

Parents and others across the country and around the world go to organized youth sporting events. They sit in their lawn chairs or in the stands and are glued to the action on the field, so into every happening that takes place. Many in the stands often yell at the often very young kids to take various actions such as swing level, use two hands, run, shoot, keep your eye on the ball and many other things. What is really going on? Why do parents and others so get into very young children on a field or court or whatever venue?
The kids don't seem to be having any fun. They think though that this is where my parents want me to be, so they then think there must be something wrong with them since they really don't enjoy being there. But they do it because they want the love of their parents.
Young kids especially, need to be involved in authentic play, and outside for the most part. This is where they learn about the world and gain self knowledge, what is actually needed to get along in the competitive world.
Just one question, is anyone in the organized youth sport's scene having fun? It doesn't seem so, especially the very young children. Again, I am against organized youth sports for the very young.

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