smothered chicken and gravy receipe _ comfort food

3 years ago

smothered chicken and Gravy Receipt | Comfort food - this creamy smothered chicken and gravy recipe using chicken thighs are seasoned perfectly and cooked in the oven nice and slow to guarantee that southern moist taste we've all become used to eating

smothered chicken and gravy ingredients

6-8 bone-in chicken thighs
oil for frying
2 tsp granulate garlic
1 tsp paprika
2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp chill power
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 small onion
2 garlic clove
2 cups chicken broth
1/2 cup heavy cream
pinch of red crushed pepper
2 tbsp butter
salt and pepper to taste
parsley for garnish
preheat oven to 425*
bake in oven for 1 hour

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