cat caught stealing ouner legguage

3 years ago

Rumble / Cats & Kittens — Pets are amazing companions that cannot help but to brighten up our lives. Sure, they can be a lot of hard work to raise, some say it is like raising a child, but those challenges are heavily outweighed by the amazing love and memories that they bring. Cats are one such pet that are known for the funny moments that they create. After all, cat videos dominated the internet at one point! It seems that one such video has emerged right here!

This cat burglar (literally) is caught red-handed stealing its owner's underwear from her drawer. This solves the mystery of why they have been all over the floor lately!

This is one funny feline. This really does take the definition of cat burglar to a whole new level! We knew that cats could be really sneaky, but who would have thought that they could be this sneaky? What we do know is that this really does make for one entertaining video!

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