Billie Beene E 1-166 QFS On!/Global Gas Attack!/3 Gorges Dam ++ Out!

3 years ago

A patriot in South Africa responded to the tunnels under Walmart story in yesterday's report ( saying that Walmart there is called Massmart. They said Massmart is only available to the wealthy and those in the government.

Another patriot is reporting that there are tunnels under many churches, hospitals and Walmart's.

It is being reported that the war in Israel is lining up with the mafia there in Israel.

The Space Force has put up a new wing and they have named it in honor of President Trump and they are calling it 45 because he was the 45th President of the U.S.

Monkey Werx reported on May 11, 2021 about surveillance planes having the ability to survey 20 miles from where they are and they can receive all of your data and also send data to your Internet, cellphone, etc. They use this to spy on U.S. citizens. Monkey Werx also reported for May 11, 2021 that there were flights to Washington D.C. from Columbia and Germany.

Mike Morales is reporting that there is a man-made cyclone being developed in the Middle East. There are many companies in the Middle East that do weather modifications. These companies use weather modification to adjust markets for fuel to either go up in price or bring the price down.

Billie has much more to report on and you do not want to miss what she is reporting on.

God, Bible, Clif High, Robert David Steele.
Monkey Werx SITREP OVERWATCH 5 11 21
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