Corstet 5 Minute Overview: Cryptocurrency #3 - What Is Cryptocurrency Mining?

3 years ago

Today, Dr. Corsi continues his series exploring the development, realities, and future of "cryptocurrency."

In this 5 minute overview, Dr. Corsi describes one of the many intricacies of the crypto world: "mining." Not with a pan and shovel, but with specialized computers operated by puzzle solvers in search of digital treasure...rewards for performing tasks related to maintaining the validity of the blockchain transactions.

Who will win out...the GPU crowd or ACIS teams?

Go to the 30 minute deep dive into cryptocurrency for starting point information you will need to begin to understand the direction digital currency is headed in the brave new world ahead.

Do your own research, learn as much as you can, seek out the truth to enable you to make wise decisions. For knowledge is power, and ignorance is bliss. Choose power: Go to

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