Boss persuasion. Dominion of narcissists. Goat propaganda. Swedish news. Times Of India rocks

2 years ago

How to tell the boss that you aren't going to do something:
No, that is not going to happen. What are my options now?
Of course you have to prepared to walk away, but it is important to not give reasons if you want to win. Appearing unreasonable is winning, while you aren't whining.

The Kids of the Reset:

Good for these students that don't have to be destroyed in a fascist brainwashing evil institution:

Children seldom get severe covid and almost never blood clotting.

China vaccine no good:

USA will lower the cycles in the PCR tests from the 14th of May so that there will be fewer vaxxed covid sick:

Just have to love the image propaganda: The boss of the Swedish FDA and a black goat:

Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, fertility and mRNA:

If you're critical of immigration, the headline "Not all immigrants" is all you need to write:
The rest is just bla bla.

A Swedish member of parliament has gone into hiding, but as they are breaking the constitution at the momement and only have 55 members voting, so it doesn't matter or?
Det finns en socialdemokratisk riksdagsledamot som heter Sara Heikkinen Breitholtz.
Hon är delgiven misstanke om drograttfylleri i slutet av förra året.
Nu har hon gått under jorden och går inte att hitta.
Vilket innebär att mandatfördelningen i riksdagen just nu är 174-174

Details in predictions like this will always be very wrong, and I wouldn't trust this more than me, that you shouldn't trust either:
But when the scale starts to benefit the EVs, I don't see how ICE cars can compete, and there will likely be a really cheap small car that blows the market away before 2027. And we're waiting for the self-driving taxis that, as expected, got a few years late, but when they arrive, it will happen fast.


From Polish news agency:
"Immediate global use of ivermectin will end the Covid-19 pandemic, experts say",869135,natychmiastowe-globalne-uzycie-iwermektyny-zakonczy-pandemie-covid-19?fbclid%3DIwAR1Kp--EDmMQsvxryg--buMGvaBfyYBEkBXl6qWFDKsYGePTDFLti-qXYT4
"The Times of India"
"How India can reduce Covid cases and deaths"
Yes, it says: "Treatment with ivermectin and fluvoxamine"
And then The Times of India removed the article?!? WTF?!?
But now rewritten, a bit blander, but still very good given the hysterical, belligerent, censoring, ostracizing, obscurantist circumstances.
"Existing affordable drugs could rapidly reduce Covid-19 cases and deaths in India"

Facebook 'warns' us against Geert Vanden Bossch podcast

So if you're tired of bee puke (propolis), then there is now "Bee sting therapy":

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