Man Walks Out of Pharmacy With A Vial of COVID-19 Vax

2 years ago

This man probably schedules himself to get the JAB at one of the local pharmacies in his area. He had no intention of getting the JAB. He asked to read what is on the box and then proceeded to remove the vial from the box and walk off with it in his hand. Brilliant!!!

He has shipped this vial off to a doctor who will also send samples to others to be tested to learn what is in this vial.

I find it really sad that those willing to give the JAB are not educating themselves on what is in those vials. Is it not interesting that anyone in the healthcare system is not supposed to do harm to people and yet this is exactly what they are doing. Thousands of people have already died due to getting the JAB and yet, those producing this stuff are not halting the production of this product that is murdering thousands of people. This is obvious as the nose on a person's face that this is clearly intentional.

You do NOT want to miss watching this video.


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