93 Trillion Dollars - California Recall

3 years ago

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal could cost $93 trillion, group says

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s sweeping “Green New Deal” could end up costing close to $93 trillion, or about $600,000 per household, according to a new study released by a center-right advocacy group.

In analysis published on Monday, the American Action Forum -- which is headed by a former director of the Congressional Budget Office, Douglas Holtz-Eakin -- estimated that the New York Democrat’s policy proposal could end up costing somewhere between $51 trillion and $93 trillion over the course of the next decade.


California’s recall election: how does it work – and will Gavin Newsom survive?

How does a recall work?

California is one of 19 states that allow voters to recall and remove state officials from office before their terms end.

In California, a recall can happen at almost any time for any reason, if enough registered voters support it. Once the signature threshold is hit, voters get 30 days to strike their signatures from the recall petition – and if enough change their minds, the recall effort will fail. But Joshua Spivak, a senior fellow at the Hugh L Carey Institute for Government Reform at Wagner College and an expert on recalls, says that “seems quite unlikely” this time around.

Next, officials will run an estimate of how much the recall election will cost, and the state’s lieutenant governor will set a date for the election.

On election day, voters will be asked two questions: whether they want to recall Newsom, yes or no – and if more than 50% say “yes”, who should replace him?


Caitlyn Jenner Is Running for Governor Because Her Private-Jet-Flying Friends Are Sick of the Homeless

Earlier this week Caitlyn Jenner unveiled her first campaign ad, in which she said she’s running to replace Gavin Newsom as governor because California used to be the place of the American dream, but “career politicians and their policies have destroyed that dream.” Obviously the American dream means different things to different people, and on Wednesday, in a prime-time interview with Fox News’s Sean Hannity, the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star explained that for her and her wealthy friends, it means being able to get in their private planes and fly around the state without having to see the filthy homeless.


Maxime Bernier: Erin O’Toole is not a real conservative

People’s Party Leader Maxime Bernier launched a full-throated attack on Erin O’Toole Monday, accusing the newly minted Conservative leader of wearing a “true blue” mask during the leadership campaign and warning that he is really “Liberal-lite.”

The assault on O’Toole’s conservative credentials came only hours after the former military officer, lawyer and cabinet minister won the Conservative leadership by defeating his main rival Peter MacKay on the third ballot.


Erin O’Toole: More unpopular than ever

The unfavourability of Erin O’Toole has risen more sharply, by 28% since September 2020, as more respondents made up their minds about the Conservative Party leader. Currently, O’Toole’s unfavourability sits at 59%. Another poll done in January, six months into his party leadership, placed O’Toole’s favourability even lower than the previous party leader Andrew Scheer’s at the same time period.


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