3 years ago

Providing opportunities for your cat to play alone is particularly important for cats confined indoors, especially if they spend a large part of the day alone. Both puppies and adult cats are stimulated by the same type of games, although puppies do not need much incentive to start playing. Cats' games are almost entirely related to the simulation of their hunting-related behavior.

The right toys. The first thing you will want to find is a toy suitable for playing with your cat. If you are trying to stimulate your cat's predatory behavior, of course you will not want to use your own hands for this. Even if your cat is delicate, he can bite you if he gets too excited. You will want your cat to associate your hands with caring and feeding, not hunting and exterminating prey.

Sound stimulus. Toys that contain bells or ginchos are particularly good for cats that are left alone for a long time, because the sound acts as an additional stimulus.

With all of these toys, it is important to remember that you need to alternate them to prevent your cat from losing interest in them. It is not enough to throw all the toys on the floor at once and leave them there. Cats are very intelligent and will tire of toys quickly. Instead, leave only one or two toys available at a time and switch them regularly. This will be much more interesting for your cat.

Games. A fantastic type of game for you and your cat is to attach a ball, a feather or a toy mouse to the end of a rope. At the other end of the rope, you can also attach a wand. With this type of artifact, it is easy to simulate the movement of prey to encourage your cat to play.

Try to imitate a small animal hiding behind furniture or swing the rope in the air like a bird, letting the toy occasionally touch the ground, as if it were jumping.
Take as long as it takes for your cat to chase or hunt the "prey" for some time. After five or 10 minutes, let your cat attack the mouse or shoot the "bird" in mid-flight.
It is important that your cat has the feeling of a successful hunt.

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