2021 Coaches Clinic #7 - Offense - Firebird Foundational Offense

3 years ago

The "Pass & Screen" or "Pass and Cut" is the universal "basic" offense that every firebird should be able to run.

It is based on the idea that we ALWAYS SPREAD THE FLOOR on offense.

Starts 5 out, can move to 4 out 1 in.

Players get in triple threat EVERY TIME they get the ball and attack the middle if they can.

Every player should know when to make an automatic back door cut when they don't have the ball.

Here is a chalkboard, kindergarten level visual:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNhe0MoXiro

This video calls it the "read and react" and focuses on cutting after the pass instead of screening.... this is a great coaching oriented overview that goes into several different flavors - make sure you get to the 3:59 mark that covers what the "READ LINE" is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=7xAzANFC74c

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