Media Roundtable- Having Confidence in Your Knowledge & Who is Shaping Reality?

3 years ago

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Rajie Kabli (Moderator)
Rajie Kabli is the co-founder of WholeHearted Media - a passionate storyteller with over 8 years of expertise in the areas of social media, journalism, and digital multimedia. Her background lies in print and broadcast television as a writer, shooter, editor, producer and reporter. Rajie is also a HeartMath and Accelerated evolution coach , integrating the power and intelligence that flows from the heart, into media with soul.

Matt Belair
Matthew Belair is the host of the Master Mind, Body, and Spirit show that has reached #1 in over 15 countries. He has travelled the world training and learning from different cultures and masters exploring the limits of human potential. His work focuses on helping people find their calling so we can build a better world based on integrity, value and respect. Using media to create change, Matt Belair is a valued voice on the panel.

Ali Zeck
For over two decades Ali Zeck was labeled “mentally ill” by various mental health practitioners when she was really a victim of trauma and abuse. She has had numerous psychiatric hospital stays and multiple suicide attempts with psychosis due to the trauma she had sustained from the effects of psychiatric drugs. After finding holistic psychiatrist Kelly Brogan and coming off all drugs, she is now using her experience to advocate for informed consent and the perils of overmedicating and false reliance on pharmaceutical drugs, successfully leveraging media + social media for a message with true meaning + impact.
for She has been drug free since 2016.

Rocco Galati
Rocco may be Canada’s top Constitutional Lawyer but he is garnering global attention for his STATEMENT OF CLAIM that addresses the extreme overreaches of governmental and media power under the Covid 19 declarations of Emergency.

Rocco’s 190 page statement of claim filed July 6th 2020 in the Superior Court of Ontario, Canada, constitutionally challenges the covid measures and the declared emergency and the seismic infliction of constitutional breeches and harm on the ground to individuals; the vulnerable, especially the poor, the neurologically disabled, particularly children with special needs, and the elderly.

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