Explaining Alberta's urban/rural divide on COVID, plus the Premier and CMO need a good lawyer.

3 years ago

Rural Albertans live and work in the biological sciences. Many ranchers have forgotten more about infectious disease management than most doctors will ever learn. By contrast, urban Albertans live in the concrete jungle. They don't know what a ruminant is, what the soil microbiome is or what a single nucleotide polymorphism test does.

Rural Alberta is sick of the COVID nonsense because they live on a constant diet of biological science articles and research studies in Beef magazine, The Western Producer, The Stockman Grass Farmer, and a couple dozen other magazines, papers and journals that serve the agricultural community. They understand immune science and know that AHS and the media are pushing medieval superstition and irrational fear.

Urbanites, generally, are left ignorant of the biological sciences because they live in a world sanitized of such knowledge. Sure, there are urban beekeepers and gardeners, but most urbanites see them as weird fringe types.

Finally, the Alberta government is now violating Article 36 of the Geneva Conventions as well as the Nuremberg Code prohibition on medical experimentation without informed consent. The CMO and her staff, and the Premier and his staff, need to find a good lawyer and cut a deal. A few senior RCMP officers would be wise to follow suit.

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