Science Writer Expose Fauci Funded Risky Wuhan Research

3 years ago

"Science Writer Expose Fauci Funded Risky Wuhan Research, Hunters E-mails and Covid Unemployment Abuse"

Science writer exposes that Anthony Fauci funded risky Wuhan research with the Chinese Communist Party. No wonder he is protecting China. Its to cover his own behind. This is treason. So why in the world are we taking anything he says seriously? Meanwhile millions of people around the world have died needlessly as Big Tech murders hundreds of thousands of Americans with their censorship of life saving medical information. What in the world are these Democrat Party leftist doing working with Chinese Communist Party against the American people and putting the American people so last to the point we are mere collateral damage on their fascist road turning America into a Communist state.

Hunters E-mails and Covid Unemployment Abuse is also discussed.

Tucker Carlson Reporting, 05/10/2021

#WhyVoteRed #NeverDemocrat

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