2022 Looks Bad for Democrats

3 years ago

At this rate, 2022 Could Be a Bloodbath for Democrats. With today’s ALG Minute, I’m Catherine Mortensen. The House Democrats have the slimmest majority in decades - an advantage of only six seats – seven when Troy Carter of Louisiana is sworn in- and are looking at a full slate of retiring members in the 2022 midterm. According to the Washington Post, there are potentially seven Democrats giving up their seats in the House. If it happens that the Democrats lose every one of those seats, then the Republicans are in good shape to reclaim the House. But even if some or all of those seats remain blue, the Democrats will have spent resources desperately needed elsewhere to maintain their majority. Their resources are going to be spread very thin next year. To make matters even worse for them, Republicans will control a lot of the redistricting across the country, giving them an advantage in future electoral maps.

Source: https://redstate.com/joesquire/2021/05/03/at-this-rate-2022-could-be-a-bloodbath-for-democrats-n373162

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