if only i could save the world w/ saline

3 years ago

still shaking the ensure...still tastes like chalk
ensure mustache but my mustache is ensured
still wanna kill child molestors but way better at cryin about it
using saline to manipulate situations
get outta jail by honesty (women don't do this)
women trained to emotionally manipulate
the best aspects of being a woman denied
so hard to allow a man to make me happy
sex is a window into the soul
i used to not allow myself to orgasm during sex
in love/in hate with everything
i love you camry, thanks for the turn signal
wish i had a blowhorn and a banner and a mint to throw into the window
i'm the bernie sanders that actually delivers
terrell asked me last night if i was in love w/ john
white supremacists unite
too many pc police out there, abolish them

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