"ECCE HOMO PERFECTA EST" ("Behold the Man Perfected"): A Post-Easter Oil Painting Timelapse

3 years ago

#jesus #christianity #jesuschrist

BUY PRINT HERE:https://www.etsy.com/listing/690217594/ecce-homo-perfecta-est-behold-the-man?ref=shop_home_active_1

This is an easter painting that I wanted to complete earlier, but I didn't have enough time. The reason why I painted Jesus wasn't only for the Easter season, but to convey my version of the "Ecce Homo" Painting. I call this "Ecce Homo, Perfecta Est" ("Behold the Man, Perfected") Finally, I painted this in oil, which I haven't used in years.

The music featured belongs to their prospective owners:
Ave Maria-(Rendition by)Luciano Pavarotti

Ave Maria-Borrowed from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQVz6vuNq7s

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