Tekkaman Blade - Nostalgia Edition

3 years ago

This is for those of us who were drawn into the Tekkaman story by the US adaptation (Teknoman), loved the theme music, and owe our memories of animated awesomeness almost completely to nostalgia. This is my attempt to finesse all the elements that got me hooked on the show and present an abbreviated version of the Dagger Arc that matches my nostalgic recollections.

A fantastic story tragically fraught with drastic variations in production quality, Tekkaman Blade is at the top of my list for a series I'd love to make a live-action trilogy out of.

This project wouldn't have been possible without the amazing cover of the Teknoman theme by breadhenge here on YouTube:

You can download the song here: https://breadhenge.bandcamp.com/track/teknoman-tekkaman-blade

Thanks for watching!

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