Parsha Korach (Numbers 16–18) 6-10-18

3 years ago
13 Wikipedia: “Korah and his band asked Moses and Aaron why they placed themselves above the rest of the community, for the entire congregation is holy.”

As Tears for Fears put it, everybody wants to rule the world.

Panel: Dennis Dale:
Claire Khaw:
Analytical Chick:

J* emails:

Fantastic show tonight Luke. Great between Dennis and Claire. I hate Islam but Claire has a point in that the West has gotten so bad that it either need to get yourself together or other religions will encroach. By allowing clone it is a good platform to pull complete holes in the Islamic ideology. But also when Claire asked Dennis what his plans he was flummoxed. Except build a wall and make it higher etc. I listen to every minute and loved your engagement. You’re obviously a 12-step person. Me too. Booze. Keep on it. Well done!

It sounds mad but the way I see it is that having Claire on makes you guys really get your act together in terms of pushing forward with ideas and practices in action. Believe me she is tough and she will challenge you more and more. She is difficult but she is a white nationalists and has only resorted to this horrible solution of hers because there is nothing else.

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