2021 05 09 John Haller's Prophecy Update "World Without Borders"

3 years ago

God gives us guidelines and standards by which we may live life to its fullest and yet we sometimes stray off course. In doing so, we encounter the consequences of our actions when one of God's guardrails knocks us back onto the road, a bit battered but still moving forward.

Today's world is on a wild and curvy path, but without guardrails, because they have rejected God by increasingly squelching the Gospel in every way it is expressed, effective removing those guardrails that God put into place to protect us from ourselves.

Every deviation from the path is going to result in a swift and certain pain and loss at some level. Depending on the elevation of the cliff, may also result in death, as you plunge into the abyss that separates you forever from the Spirit of God, and the Salvation that Christ brings each who asks.

John explains in this week's update entitled "World Without Guardrails"

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