The Striper Blues Journal - Video Log 67 - 05-04-21 - The Word of the Day is JOY!!!

3 years ago

Sports Fans!

Continuing the series around the Bible quote from Galatians 5: 22-23. This time we focus on something pretty darn fun......JOY Sports Fans! JOY!!!

What? You don't like the Bible? OK, then get the heck off my channel and go protest pronoun usage or something if that brings you joy.

I'm here to tell you that you can find joy in anything. The grass coming up in the spring. The sunset. The sunrise. A baby's first steps. Your Grandmother's smile. Your Sister's artistic talents. Whatever. None of that stuff costs a darn dime and it's right there in front of your big fat nose.

I find joy in TONS of stuff. Today it was the gorgeous Chesapeake Bay and some pretty fish. Most of the time it's my beautiful wife and my awesome kids. They are TOPS on my list.

I'm tellin' ya Sports Fans you have everything you need, right now, to find joy in your life so GO GET YOU SOME JOY!!!!

That's it for me this time. Gonna keep on this Galatians kick, it's sure fun!

See you out on the water Sports Fans, LOVE you and I mean it!

Captain T out for now!

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