If you were born on 4, 13, 22 or 31. What does your birth date mean?

3 years ago

If you were born on 4, 13, 22 or 31, you are a natural-born creator, reformist, and innovator. You are always at the edge of what we call reality, expanding the boundaries of this reality, pushing the limits. You are non-conformist and constantly brewing some revolutionary ideas. You are very open and straightforward in your communications. Therefore, you may have a lot of enemies and critics, most of them behind your back because not many have the guts to face you in open battle. Regardless, you are always able to see through to people’s true nature. You are like a deadly force that sweeps away all the obstacles in its way. You may feel like you are always at war with something or someone. Your life is filled with constant ups and downs. You have incredible survivor skills and a very high endurance level. You can make a great spiritual teacher, occultist, scientist, inventor, sci-phi writer, actor, movie director, politician. Your ruler planet is Rahu. Your lucky stone is hessonite garnet.

- Hypnotherapy: http://guzaliadavis.com/
- Hypnosis and Coaching Certification and Self-Development Courses: http://www.hypnosis-training.online/
- Past Life Regression: http://pastliferegressioncertification.com/

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