Magna the Great Dane stealth huntress!

3 years ago

Magna and I had been out on a walk in Richmond where we happened along a single rabbit that caught her eye. The rabbit did not see us and was just foraging on the grass so Magna was very still and even crept up very softly so as not to create sounds to give us away. She got closer, slowly closer, and when she felt like she was in adequate range, she hit a burst of speed but failed to take into account that she had to drag my 92 kilos with her so she did not get the sudden speed she need and the bunny found us out. I just did not want to let go of the leash because we were beside a road that traffic goes on frequently and if the traffic came and the rabbit ran onto the road and traffic came, my dear dog would have run out onto the road and that could get ugly very fast so an ounce of prevention.

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