Minimalism Tips for Beginners - The Story of How I Downsized My Life

3 years ago

This year I renewed my passport and they sent me back my old passport with 10 years of memories and sentimental value. I practice non-materialism and non-ownership and strive to be present in life by owning few possessions. I decided to use this passport as an opportunity to share my tips on how to downsize and simplify your life.
Millions of people desire to downsize their life and get rid of possessions, but often express that they feel lost on how to get started. In this video I share my journey from a collector to minimalist and my tips on how you can free yourself of possessions to live a happier, healthier and simpler life!

Check out some of Rob Greenfield’s books on Amazon:

Food Freedom: A Year of Growing and Foraging 100 Percent of My Food and Why It Matters ➣ ➣

Dude Making a Difference: Bamboo Bikes, Dumpster Dives and Other Extreme Adventures Across America ➣ ➣

Zero Waste Kids: Hands-On Projects and Activities to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle ➣ ➣

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