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Wolves Sad Attitude

3 years ago

Wolves Sad Attitude: This is the heartwarming video when a tiny Pomeranian puppy interacts with a pack of howling wolves in the sweetest manner possible! Footage shows this adorable Pomeranian puppy named Ellie imitating the sounds of howling wolves coming from her owner's laptop. It seems like this little puppy wants to become a howling wolf when she grows up! Cuteness overload!

When we were kids, we could not wait to grow up, and that seems to be the case with this adorable puppy. Viewers prepare to have you heart melted as this video will warm you up! This Pomeranian pup Ellie thinks she’s a wolf! Watch her imitate the howling pack of wolves with sincere determination!

This adorable Pomeranian doesn’t just howl along with the wolves, she also imitates how they lift their faces up to the moon before howling! She reminds us of toddlers and how they love imitating those around them, “monkey see, monkey do” style. That is exactly what Ellie is doing! Babies and puppies are so much alike!

When Ellie first hears the sounds of howling wolves her natural reaction is to run and hide in her cradle. Moments later, her instincts seem to kick in and she does the unexpected, she joins in the howling and it is a natural copycat wolf. Incredible!


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